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RM Italy
Model: KL505V
Nyíregyháza (HU): Back Order
Budapest (HU): 1 pieces in stock
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396.06 EUR
376.25 EUR (316.18 EUR + VAT)
Discount: 19.81 EUR 5%
Sale duration: 06/12/2023 - 31/12/2024


RM ITALY KL505V HF power amplifier with 300W fan. It is specifically recommended for use only with transceivers up to 10W power (e.g. FT-817/818, SUNSDR2 QRP and PRO, or handheld transceivers).
  • Eletronic Switch
  • Inversion polarity protection

Frequency: 25-30MHz (limited to 3-30MHz)
Power supply: 12-14V (reverse polarity protected, not protected against overvoltage, this must be solved in the power supply).
Power consumption: max 3x12A
Drive power: 1-10W. Power above 10W drive power will cause failure of the output transistors, even if you get such a drive for a few milliseconds.
Output power: 60-300 WATT AVG (AM,FM,SSB)
Maximum SWR: 1.5
Preamplifier: 26 dB +/- 3dB

Note: The unit is equipped with RF VOX circuitry, which has a delay that makes high-speed CW transmission difficult. The unit is designed by the manufacturer for the 25-30MHz band, but has limited use in the lower amateur bands (75% power). There are no protection circuits or harmonic filters in the equipment, so these must be installed by the operator. The use of an antenna tuner is recommended. Switch off the power amplifier during tuning!

It is not recommended to use with older FT-857/897 radios because TX transients of the radio power control circuits.

Warranty: The equipment is covered by the manufacturer's warranty for two years, except for end transistors, if the failure is due to causes attributable to: indirect or secondary effects of lightning, overheating, poor ventilation, exceeding specifications such as: overvoltage, high drive power, poor antenna SWR or antenna rupture. To avoid controversy, it is important to note that end transistors are not usually destroyed by other causes. By ordering you accept these warranty conditions, if not, we recommend not to order the device!


5 rating
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Needed a Good quality amp for portable, this one sounds good on SSB/AM under testing. 200w+ from 6w input. Clean on 10m, but will need a LPF on 20m and below for sure. Fans are quiet on idle, ramp up speed on PTT to an acceptable level for what they do.

Fast shipping to EI, great price, thanks guys!
A great product, i have had mine for three years with no issues!. The preamp works well in conjunction with your radios rf gain. I run mine with 2-4 watrs carrier up to 8-12 watts PEP. Audio is perfect with no distortion at thre receivng stations. I run mine on level 4 and the unit remains cool at 125-150 PEP output (operate it at half its rated output!). Resist the temptation to use to much input and they run best with single rf output CB radios. I would not use a dual final CB with this model. If you run a standard CB (not overly peaked) you will get years of trouble free use and save the manufacturers and retailers from headaches!. My opinion is its the best of its type on the market If you want another model for export dual final radios buy a KL-703 instead!.
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Köszönöm az ANICO Kft-nek a gyors ügyintézést,
és a gyors kiszállítást!
A nevezett terméket végerositot 24- órán belül azonnali használatra készen megkaptam. Azonnal működött, nagyon elégedett vagyok, a termékkel.
Közeljövőben ismét tervezem egy másik berendezés vásárlását.
Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom! *5-ös!
Köszönettel Szűcs József HG-6-PM rádióamatőr
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Great shop, fast delivery. Everything ok. Will order again. 73
Néhány éve vásároltam egy ilyen erősítőt. Rendszeresen használom.
Nagyon szépen működik, nem "fröcsköl" jó SWR mellett persze...
A visszajelzések, az ellen állomások szerint szép a hangja is.
SSB.-ben 30wattal hajtom, és semmi baja nem lett!
Az RM italy honlapján is az szerepel, hogy 2-30 wattal lehet meghajtani!
Ezt a téves információt javítani kellene itt is!

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